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Sports75 Goods

LACE stocks a variety of sportswear, including sports knickers, with a focus on full-bust sports bras suitable for medium to high impact activities. The exclusive 1 - 4 'Sport Rating' at LACE helps you decide which style might be most suitable for your activities, see the product descriptions on each style for more details.

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Sports bra styles are available with underwires and with no underwires allowing for choice, comfort, and flexibility for your activity, with encapsulation style sports bras being the most common in full bust sizes. An encapsulation style will separate and support each breast either with wires, or an internal bra structure to separate.

Bestselling brands for high-impact sports bras in large cup sizes include Elomi, Freya, Panache and Shock Absorber.

For more help choosing a sports bra, see the LACE Sports Bra Guide for assistance.

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Sports bras up to L Cup